Course Description

Many clients in behavioral health treatment may have histories of trauma, so counselors should be prepared to help them address is­ sues that arise from those histories. This course provides literature relevant to trauma-informed prevention and treatment objectives along with practical counselor strategies. Issues reviewed include trauma informed prevention and treatment objectives, treatment issues to consider, guidelines for making referrals to trauma-specific services. (TIP 57, SAMHSA, 2004)


  • Participants will learn trauma informed prevention and treatment objective
  • Participants will learn trauma informed treatment issues
  • Participants will gain understanding in making referrals to trauma specific services

Course Modality: This is an independent home-study course. Students will take the course according to their own timeline. 

Course Completion: To receive the course certificate, each student is required to agree to Student Learning Contract, read all text-based materials, view any media posted, complete and pass course examination, and complete and submit course evaluation. 

Note: Posted materials are free from SAMHSA and other public domain sites. 

Course fee applies for continuing education hours and a certificate of completion.

Senior Instructor Diane Sherman, PhD

Dr. Diane Sherman, Ph.D., a substance abuse profession since 1975, beginning her career while serving in the U.S. Army for in the capacity of Behavioral Science Specialist.  She holds the national advanced credential of Master Addiction Counselor, Certified Clinical Supervisor, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor-II, and E-Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor. Diane earned her Doctorate in Industrial / Organizational Psychology from Capella University in 2007. Since 2008 she has taught and supervised students who are in pursuit of the certified addiction counselor credential.She is passionate about creating a positive student learning experience and sharing the best knowledge to support addiction professionals in our clinical practice

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video.

    2. Course Syllabus.TIC

    3. Learner Agreement

    4. How to Navigate this course

    5. Pre-Test Examination

    1. Clinical-Issues-in-Trauma-Informed-Care. SAMHSA TIP 57. Ch 5

    2. Quick Guide TIP 57

    3. Trauma Informed Care. Recorded presentation.

    4. Trauma Informed Care. Handout (follows recorded video presentation)

    5. Trauma Informed Care Models

    6. Stressful Life Events Screening Questionnaire (SLESQ)


    1. Instructional Video for Completing Application To Practice Discussion Questions

    2. TIC: Clinical Issues. Homework Assignment 1. Monitor and Facilitate Safety and Balance, Part A

    3. TIC: Clinical Issues. Homework Assignment 2. Monitor and Facilitate Safety and Balance. Part B.

    4. TIC: Clinical Issues. Homework Assignment 3. Treamtent Issues. Pacing and Timing. Part A.

    5. TIC: Clinical Issues. Homework Assignment 4. Treatment Issues. Pacing and Timing. Part B.

    1. Course Examination

    2. Course Review

    3. Course Evaluation

About this course

  • $55.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content


5 star rating

Clinical Issues for Trauma Informed Care.

Maria Flores

The text was a great refresher for me given trauma is Always present in our work with substance abuse .

The text was a great refresher for me given trauma is Always present in our work with substance abuse .

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4 star rating

Clinical Issues for Trauma Informed Care

michelle murray

I thought the course gave me some new insight on how to assist my client better who have experienced a traumatic experience. This course also helped me t...

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I thought the course gave me some new insight on how to assist my client better who have experienced a traumatic experience. This course also helped me to learn how to take better care of myself so I can be better equipped to help the clients that I serve.

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5 star rating

Denjoli Brown

5 star rating


Tracey Messer

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