Narcotics Anonymous and MAT
Earn 3 contact hours. ADACBGa. NAADAC
“Addiction recovery mutual aid societies, particularly 12-Step fellowships, tend to be highly decentralized in their governance structures and extremely diverse in local group practices. Therefore, any statement attempting to define a recovery fellowship’s position on a particular issue is likely to be true in one place, but not in another. What binds such groups and members toward consensus on key issues are the shared understanding of the central mechanism of their recovery program, the unique historical contexts through which they have evolved, the shared elements of the memberships’ addiction/recovery experiences, and the principles that have been defined to guide the personal recovery process and the life of the organization.” (White, 2011).
“The future of recovery from opioid addiction in the United States lies in creating a broad service menu in which pharmacotherapy, ancillary professional psychosocial support, peer-based recovery support services, and sustained support within one or more recovery mutual aid fellowships can be uniquely combined and sequenced for each patient.” (White, 2011).
Course Modality: This is an independent home-study course. Students will take the course according to their own timeline.
Course Completion: To receive the course certificate, each student is required to agree to Student Learning Contract, read all text-based materials, view any media posted, complete and pass course examination, and complete and submit course evaluation.
Welcome Video.
FREE PREVIEWCourse Syllabus.
FREE PREVIEWLearner Agreement
How to Navigate this course
Instructional Video for Completing Assignments
NA and MAT (Text)
FREE PREVIEWNA and MAT. Assignment #1.
FREE PREVIEWNA and MAT. Assignment #2.
FREE PREVIEWNA and MAT. Assignment #3.
AA. Medications and Other Drugs.
Combining Medically Assisted Treatment and Twelve Step Programming: a perspective and review
Course Examination
Course Review
Course Evaluation
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