Addressing Spiritualty and Addiction Treatment
with Jim Seckman, MDiv, MAC, CACII, CCS. 6 clock hours. NAADAC. ADACB-Ga
Spirituality is a core value of treatment as intersected with the 12-step /mutual help community. We read “When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically”. (How it Works, pg. 24). And “AA’s Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in nature, which, if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.” (12 and 12, Forward).
In this course we will further explore this relationship between spirituality and recovery, and discuss options for the clinician to consider when developing an education intervention appropriate for a treatment setting.
Objectives. Participants will
Course Modality
This is an independent home-study course. Students will take the course according to their own timeline.
CE’s awarded: 6.0 hours. To receive the course completion certificate, each student is required to agree to Student Learning Contract, read all text-based materials, view any media posted, complete and pass course examination, and complete and submit course evaluation.
Welcome Video.
Course Syllabus
FREE PREVIEWLearning Contract
How to Navigate this course
Pre-Test Examination
Addressing Spirituality Narrative
Addressing Spirituality in Treatment (PPT handout)
Addressing Spirituality In Treatment, Part 1
Addressing Spirituality in Treatment, Part 2
How it Works
The Twelve Steps of AA
Instructional Video for Completing Assignments
Spirituality. Assignment 1.
Spirituality. Assignment 2.
Spirituality. Assignment 3.
Spirituality. Assignment 4.
Spirituality. Assignment 5.
Course Examination
Course Review
Course Evaluation
It was very interesting a wonderful review. I feel when we help ourselves we help our clients .
It was very interesting a wonderful review. I feel when we help ourselves we help our clients .
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