Stages of Change. Enhancing Clients Readiness to Change.
6 contact hours. ADACB-GA. NAADAC
Course Description
Motivated clients succeed best in treatment, but what can treatment specialists do to improve motivation? Until recently, motivation was viewed as a static trait or disposition that a client either did or did not have. Furthermore, motivation was often viewed as the client's responsibility, not the clinician's. However, new research suggests clinicians can successfully nudge clients along a continuum of willingness to change. There are a variety of proven techniques and gentle tactics that you, the clinician in a treatment facility, can use to raise the topic with people not thinking of change, to create client doubt about the commonly held belief that substance abuse is “harmless” and to lead to client conviction that substance-abuse is having, or will in the future have, significant negative results. This course reviews the proven strategies for helping those in the precontemplation stage build their readiness to change. (SAMHSA, TIP 35, 2019).
Course Modality. This is an independent home-study course. Students will take the course according to their own timeline.
CE’s awarded: 6 hours. (Reading course text / articles and Application to Practice). To receive the course completion certificate, each student is required to complete and submit Learning Contract, read all text-based materials, view any media posted, complete and submit chapter discussion questions, complete and pass course examination, and complete and submit course evaluation.
Welcome Video.
FREE PREVIEWStages of Change. Course Syllabus
FREE PREVIEWHow to Navigate this course
Learner Agreement
Stages of Change. Pre-Test.
Stages of Change. Recorded Presentation
Stages of Change. Presentation Handout (follows video)
Enhancing Motivation for Change - Quick Guide
Motivational interviewing toolbox
Stages of Change model and Motivational Interviewing
FREE PREVIEWStages of Change Role of Counselor
FREE PREVIEWExamples of Stages of Change Language
FREE PREVIEWEnhancing Motivation for Change in SUD Treatment. SAMHSA October 2019
Instructional Video for Completing Assignments
FREE PREVIEWStages of Change. Assignment 1.
Stages of Changes. Assignment 2.
Stages of Change. Assignment 3.
Stages of Change. Assignment 4.
Stages of Change. Assignment 5.
Course Examination
Course Evaluation
Course Review
Motivational Interviewing.