4 course package.
Save 50%. Required courses for initial certification. Approved for recertification. Approved by ADACB-Ga and NAADAC.
4 required courses for Alcohol and Drug Certification Board of Ga (CADC-1, CADC-11 or CAAADC, initial certification)
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
All Courses, Ethics. Professional
Review of ethical practices of addiction counselors pertaining to boundaries, dual-relationships, ethical decision making and the need for clinical supervision to support the addiction professional with accountability and growth. Updated 6/2021.
All Courses, Telehealth
The use of electronic media and information technologies in behavioral health treatment, recovery support, and prevention programs is rapidly gaining acceptance. 6 clock hours: ADACB-Ga. NAADAC. Updated 6/2021
All Courses, HIV, Risk
All drug users are at high risk for HIV. Drug use can result in poor judgment and possibly to unprotected sexual contact and sharing of infected injection equipment. 3 contact hours. ADACB-GA. NAADAC. Updated 11/2023
All Courses, Trauma Informed Care
By recognizing traumatic experiences as closely into behavioral health problems, providers and community-based programs can begin to build a trauma informed environment across the continuum of care. 6 clock hours: ADACB-Ga. NAADAC. Updated 6/2021