8 courses for CADC-T, CADC-I and CADC-II initial certification.
Includes 8 courses for the ADACB-Ga Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor-T
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
All Courses, MAT
3 clock hours approved for NAADAC. ADACB-Ga
All Courses, Counselor Skills
Addiction counselors have an enormous effect of the treatment process. In this course we will review Addiction Counselor qualities and skills, counselor client relationship, disclosure, and transference and counter-transference. Updated 6/2021
All Courses, Counselor Skills, Assessment
The evaluation process is key to proper diagnosis and treatment planning. Clinical evaluation is the first steps to helping individuals multiple concerns to receive appropriate care. Updated 6/2021
All Courses, Ethics. Professional
Updated 5/2021.6 clock hours: ADACB-Ga. NAADAC
All Courses, Ethics. Professional
Current literature related to self-disclosure is examined and provides the findings from a series of key informant interviews to examine the factors that promote or hinder self-disclosure. Updated 6/2021
All Courses, Ethics. Professional
Review of ethical practices of addiction counselors pertaining to boundaries, dual-relationships, ethical decision making and the need for clinical supervision to support the addiction professional with accountability and growth. Updated 6/2021.