Addressing Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
Course4.8 average rating (15 reviews)Clients may be affected by less intense signs and symptoms of withdrawal and other conditions such as impaired ability to check impulses, negative emotional states, sleep disturbances and cravings. 6 contact hours. ADACB-Ga. NAADAC. Updated 6/2021
Relapse Prevention.
Course4.9 average rating (14 reviews)The relapse process is alot like knocking over a line of dominos. The first domino hits the second, which hits the third, and soon a progressive chain reaction has started. Terence T. Gorski on Relapse. 6 clock hours. ADACB-Ga. GACA. Updated 6/2021
Addressing Spirituality in SUD Treatment
Course4.6 average rating (17 reviews)In this course we explore the relationship between spirituality and recovery, and discuss options for the clinician to consider when developing an education intervention appropriate for a treat. 6 clock hours. ADACB-Ga. NAADAC. Updated 6/2021
Stages of Change.
Course5.0 average rating (22 reviews)This course reviews the proven strategies for helping those in the precontemplation stage build their readiness to change. 6 clock hours. ADACB-Ga. NAADAC. Updated 6/2021
Substance Abuse Treatment and Counseling Family Members.
Course4.8 average rating (8 reviews)There is strong evidence that family involvement increases the probability of a client’s recovery from SUD. 6 clock hours: ADACB-Ga. NAADAC. Updated 6/2021
Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with HIV/AIDS.
Course4.9 average rating (39 reviews)All drug users are at high risk for HIV. Drug use can result in poor judgment and possibly to unprotected sexual contact and sharing of infected injection equipment. 3 contact hours. ADACB-GA. NAADAC. Updated 11/2023